

Bringing the best changes in your life and your home

  • Science
  • Architecture
  • Philosophy
  • HappyHome


Using the best combination of science, architecture, and philosophy, Vastu Urja transforms the perspective of spaces to provide you with an environment that truly reflects your personality and fosters success. With an expert understanding of interiors, Vastu Urja’s professionals make every corner livable, likable, and lovable.

Applying a one-on-one approach while intelligently tackling the general population’s lack of knowledge and underlying disbelief, Vastu Urja has emerged successful only due to its ingenuity and practical showcase of results. Without promising the sky and by assessing every situation deeply, the consultancy has provided recommendations that truly reflect change, slowly, steadily, and evidently, which has earned them admirers across the world!

Speak to our experts for a comprehensive inference of your facility including the best Vastu for homes, and get recommendations that truly make a difference.

The VU Team


A highly spiritual individual, Darshan realized the need for Vastu and Astrology even as a child when he and his family encountered difficulties in life. Yet, he noticed that not all were unhappy—some families were free of such karmic disruptions. So, what caused these imbalances? Being conscientious, empathetic, and curious came naturally to him as he observed that hardships were imminent, but overriding them was not impossible. It just took some careful navigation, both calculated and philosophical. With a metaphysical bent of mind, seeking answers everywhere possible, he studied the occult arts with a passion to fully understand the relationship between prosperity, psychology, and spirituality and finally map them all with astrology and the science of architecture or Vastu. With a partnered practice of almost 10 years, Darshan is a Certified Vastu and Astrology consultant who believes in moving forward, holding on to a purpose to create as many happy lives as he can.

“It is my aim to motivate as many as possible to create inspiring lives that look at difficulties with a different perspective. I may not be able to change the entire world but a single change is enough to facilitate many.”


If there’s one thing that’s constant, it’s change. Realizing this rather early in life in a family immersed in religion and spirituality for generations, Rohan, before he even started his practice, knew that he was in a field that everyone thought they knew everything about. And the internet only made it worse. He instantly recognized that his first challenge was the ‘ego,’ in people who vehemently refused to believe in the recommendations that were highly ancient and scriptural in nature. His search led him to create unique and customized modules within architectural science and astrology that would comprehensively evaluate and identify issues, while simultaneously providing the right remedies. Following the footsteps of his revered Guru, he has a sole purpose – to do good to those who come to him for a solution to their problems. As a Certified Astrologist, Rohan approaches every challenge with an optimistic mindset, fully convinced that more than half the battle is won when you are positive.

“One teacher in a class of 100 cannot dissipate information the way it has to be. However, if there were a single teacher and a single student, knowledge distribution would be comprehensive. And 100% complete.”


To become primary practitioners of peace while holding an expansive vision to create more opportunities in our occupation.



To bring about the right balance and harmonize every home or office to bring harmony and prosperity.



We hold authenticity, integrity, patience, and excellence vital to our practice and honor our tradition while seamlessly embracing the modern.



We always believe in one-on-one sessions to beget the best outcomes.

Post-remedial evaluation of the final balanced environment
Consideration for the layout and orientation
Align property with cardinal directions
Recommend adjustments to tapestry or design modifications
Provide remedies to enhance positive energy flow
Post-remedial evaluation of the final balanced environment

Contact Info

Fill up the form and Our Team will get back to you withing 24 hours

  • 832 Thompson Drive, San Fransisco CA 94107, United States

  • 394-091-3312

  • support@yogacare.gmail.com

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